Title: 'Aos Dàna' - Bainthighearnan Eilean Ratharsair: Raasay women

Description: A journey from 1773 to 1843, a period of cultural transition, viewed through the eyes of four women -- Bantighearna Dhubh Osgaig, Lady Rasay, Isabella Macleod of Raasay and her daughter, Eliza Ross (1789-1875), presetned by David Macfadyen (Narrator), Meg Bateman (Bàrdachd), Hugh Cheape (Piping Heritage), Dekker Forest (Piper) Entry by donation. No booking and limited capacity.

Date: 05/08/09

Start Time: 20:00:00

Venue: Tarskavaig Hall

Type: Talks and Literature

Comment Link

Title: 'Aos Dàna' - Gaelic bards and Nordic rigs

Description: Four hundred years ago, Highland galleys or birlinn were destroyed under the provisions of the 1609 Statutes of Iona. All that is left are the evocative lines of gaelic bards, place names and carved stones. However, boats designed to sail in Hebridean waters ten centuries ago continue to be built in Nordic countries. Gavin Parsons, scholar and crofter, tells the exciting story of tracing the birlinn. Entry by donation. No booking and limited capacity.

Date: 07/08/09

Start Time: 20:00:00

Venue: Tarskavaig Hall

Type: Talks and Literature

Comment Link

Title: 'Aos Dàna' - John Purser's 'Scotland's Music

Description: This year Aos Dàna concentrates entirely on just one book, Dr. Purser's long awaited second edition of his seminal 'Scotland's Music' outlining the immense musical traditions of the country. Over four days we follow the story in a series of Talks and Literature and concerts that bring the book to life, featuring many of Scotland's leading musicians. Purser is a prominent Skye-based writer and musicologist and in 2007 concluded his 50-part BBC Radio Scotland series (also called 'Scotland’s Music'), to rave reviews. John Purser was awarded the Services to Industry Award for his Radio Series, at the 2007 Traditional Music Awards. The Aos Dàna festival explores many aspects of this fascinating adventure in words and music from the Stone Age to the present day, and those attending will discover the distinctive music that emerged as Scottish society evolved over the centuries and which contributes to our sense of nationhood today. Throughout the Festival John Purser will be signing copies of his book, price £30. "Nothing like this cornucopia of discovery, this magisterial survey of the nation’s musical heritage . . . has been attempted, let alone achieved with such distinction and authority." Scotland on Sunday

Date: 12/07/08

Start Time: 09:00:00

Venue: Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, TDC main hall

Type: Talks and Literature

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Title: 'Aos Dàna' - Seeds of Blood and Beauty: Scottish Plant Explorers

Description: Ann Lindsay, author presents 'Seeds of Blood and Beauty', the story of 18th and 19th century Indiana Joneses of the plant world, whose quest for botanical specimens took them far from the Highlands to some of the world's most exotic places, where they risked life and limb to bring us trees and plants which grace beautiful West Coast gardens, such as those of Armadale Castle. Entry by donation. No booking and limited capacity.

Date: 06/08/09

Start Time: 20:00:00

Venue: Tarskavaig Hall

Type: Talks and Literature

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Title: 'Aos Dàna' - Tribute to Sorley MacLean and Màiri Mhòr

Description: Màiri Mhòr nan Òran (1821-1898) was a native of Skye and writer of songs of exile, praise, hope and protest. Sorley Maclean (19111960) was the foremost poet and father of the Gaelic renaissance. The opening event is a tribute, in pictures, songs and poetry with Donald Mackenzie (Artist), Lindsay Mitchell (Singer) & Skye Poets,Maoilios Caimbeul, Aonghas Phàdraig Caimbeul and Meg Bateman. This event will be in Gaelic and English. Entry by donation. No booking and limited capacity.

Date: 03/08/09

Start Time: 20:00:00

Venue: Tarskavaig Hall

Type: Talks and Literature

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Title: 'Belief' - Julie Cajune

Description: Julie Cajune from the Salish Flathead Reservation ~ a World Premier BELIEF is contemporary American Indian Theatre and story-telling at its finest. Julie Cajune’s one-woman play comprises interconnected Salish women’s stories, poetry and music. It takes in a historic connection with her ancestor, Duncan McDonald, a descendant of the Glencoe McDonalds. But by 1877 he considered himself a member of the Nez Perce tribe on the Rocky Mountains of Idaho. His story is re-told in the book by historian Dr James Hunter, ‘Glencoe and the Indians’. Julie will be working with music students from Sabhal Mòr Ostaig during here visit. “BELIEF renews the spirit of honesty and truth”

Date: 25/09/15

Start Time: 7.30 pm

Venue: Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, An Talla Mhòr

Audience Numbers: 49

Type: Talks and Literature

Comment Link

Title: 'Cèol na Mara' Ian Stephen, Christine Kydd, Norman Chalmers

Date: 15/07/02

Start Time: 20:00:00

Venue: Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, An Talla Mhòr

Type: Talks and Literature

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Title: 'Four poets and a cello'

Description: Music and poetry are inextricably intertwined in the Gaelic tradition. In the last decade, there has been an immense interest in modern Gaelic poetry and literature. Tonight’s programme highlights the resurgence of Gaelic poetry and literature. Purser provides a musical accompaniment to the poetry of Sabhal Mòr Ostaig's Writer-in-Residence, Maoilios Caimbeul. They are joined by Skye-based poets Meg Bateman and Aonghas Pàdraig Caimbeul. Purser also offers some of his own poems relating to Crofting and music. Aonghas Pàdraig Caimbeul is a Gaelic Poet who is currently translating 65 of his Gaelic poems into 65 languages from around the World, some of which he will present this evening. He appeared in the Gaelic feature film ‘Seachd: The Inaccessible Pinnacle’, in a role for which he was nominated for a Scottish BAFTA award. Meg Bateman is an outstanding poet and lecturer at SMO. There will be simultaneous translation provided from Gaelic to English during the evening.

Date: 14/07/08

Start Time: 17:00:00

Venue: Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, TDC main hall

Audience Numbers: 31

Type: Talks and Literature

Comment Link

Title: 'Four poets and a cello'

Description: Music and poetry are inextricably intertwined in the Gaelic tradition. In the last decade, there has been an immense interest in modern Gaelic poetry and literature. Tonight’s programme highlights the resurgence of Gaelic poetry and literature. Purser provides a musical accompaniment to the poetry of Sabhal Mòr Ostaig's Writer-in-Residence, Maoilios Caimbeul. They are joined by Skye-based poets Meg Bateman and Aonghas Pàdraig Caimbeul. Purser also offers some of his own poems relating to Crofting and music. Aonghas Pàdraig Caimbeul is a Gaelic Poet who is currently translating 65 of his Gaelic poems into 65 languages from around the World, some of which he will present this evening. He appeared in the Gaelic feature film ‘Seachd: The Inaccessible Pinnacle’, in a role for which he was nominated for a Scottish BAFTA award. Meg Bateman is an outstanding poet and lecturer at SMO. There will be simultaneous translation provided from Gaelic to English during the evening.

Date: 14/07/08

Start Time: 17:00:00

Venue: Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, TDC main hall

Audience Numbers: 31

Type: Talks and Literature

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Title: 'I'll Sing On' Catriona MacLean, Gaelic Song

Description: ‘I’ll Sing On’ ~ A tribute to popular local singer Catriona Maclean Mackinnon. Gilbert McKinnon presents the book, “I’ll Sing On”, launched at the Skye Book Festival in Sep. Catriona graduated from the Royal Conservatoire. She sang at Sabhal Mòr, National Mòds, the BBC and the Pan Celtic Festival. She also revived the Broadford Gaelic Choir. A friend of Sir Iain Noble, she helped to teach him Gaelic and encouraged him in his promotion of Gaelic on Skye. There will be readings from the book and a screen presentation of her life. Film clips will remind us of her amazing voice and excellent clarsach playing and we shall hear a moving audio recording of her singing and a live music tribute. With music and songs from Caramarie MacAlman, Na Clàrsairean Shlèite, Mary Strachan and music students from Sabhal Mòr Ostaig. Donald S Murray comments, “ ‘I’ll Sing On’ is, in many ways, a tale of reconciliation. A young woman with an energetic and impetuous nature, she found peace and resolution through coming to terms with many of the forces at war in her life. All in all, it makes for a wonderful portrayal of someone who clearly inspired much love and admiration. Her life sings on through its pages.” Entry is by donation, and books will be for sale, with profits going to from which Catriona died as a young woman. The bar will be open and tea and coffee available.

Date: 13/02/18

Start Time: 7.30 pm

Venue: Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, An Talla Mhòr

Audience Numbers: 43

Type: Talks and Literature

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Title: 'Music in the Scottish Landscape'

Description: John Purser and Bonnie Rideout present thousand year old tales and tunes illustrating the connections between landscape and Gaelic music and song, with live performances, images and recordings. Included in the programme is the performance of a complete 18th-century fiddle piobaireachd and a reading of an Ossianic tale accompanied by a tune to which it used to be recited. Rideout recorded extensively for the ‘Scotland's Music' radio series: "Her exceptional control when bowing, her ornamentation and her marvellously rich double-stopped drones produce an authentically moving, almost keening, sound." The Scotsman

Date: 13/07/08

Start Time: 7.30 pm

Venue: Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, TDC main hall

Audience Numbers: 61

Type: Talks and Literature

Comment Link

Title: 'Music in the Scottish Landscape'

Description: John Purser and Bonnie Rideout present thousand year old tales and tunes illustrating the connections between landscape and Gaelic music and song, with live performances, images and recordings. Included in the programme is the performance of a complete 18th-century fiddle piobaireachd and a reading of an Ossianic tale accompanied by a tune to which it used to be recited. Rideout recorded extensively for the ‘Scotland's Music' radio series: "Her exceptional control when bowing, her ornamentation and her marvellously rich double-stopped drones produce an authentically moving, almost keening, sound." The Scotsman

Date: 13/07/08

Start Time: 7.30 pm

Venue: Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, TDC main hall

Audience Numbers: 61

Type: Talks and Literature

Comment Link

Title: 'No great Mischief' ~ Alasdair MacLeod, Canada

Description: Alasdair MacLeod, the Canadian author of 'No Great Mischief' visits the Highlands with illustrator Peter Rankin for a four night literary tour of the Highlands. Supported by Highland Council

Date: 17/11/05

Start Time: 7.30 pm

Venue: Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, TDC main hall

Audience Numbers: 60

Type: Talks and Literature

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Title: 'Oidhche Litreachais - Celebrating Iain Crichton Smith'

Description: The orignical Gaelic version of one of Iain Crichton Smith's novel 'The Missionary' has been rediscovered. 'Am Miseanaraidh' has just been published as part of the Ur-Sgeul new fiction series. This evening clebrates the writing of Iain Crichton Smith with a panel of current Gaelic writers and experts. The evening is mostly in Gaelic and entrance includes a glass of wine and books for sale.

Date: 29/03/06

Start Time: 20:00:00

Venue: Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, Seòmar Chruinneachaidh

Audience Numbers: 40

Type: Talks and Literature

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Title: 'Out of Books' with Finlay and Coburn

Description: Alex Finlay and Ken Coburn, poets and artists, were inspired by Boswell and Johnson’s 1773 journey across the Scottish Highlands and Islands to set out to revisit particular landscapes and recover particular views. Boswell and Johnson passed through Sleat twice, staying once in Armadale and once in Ostaig. Finlay and Coburn will give readings, show images and might even lead a walk. Look out for more details. Come along early for a pre-concert meal, bookable on 01471 844774.

Date: 07/08/13

Start Time: 20:00:00

Venue: Armadale, The Stables Restaurant

Audience Numbers: 37

Type: Talks and Literature

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Title: 'Poetry and Piping' - Elmar Schenkel, Rona Lightfoot

Description: Professor Elmar Schenkel from Leipzig is one of the leading modern poets of Eastern Europe. His most memorable poem, which he will perform, is ‘Schule des Vergessens’ (The School of Forgetting) which is a very witty poem about the state’s need to make us consciously forget events - and languages - which are not useful to it. Rona Lightfoot is the great tradition-bearer from South Uist. A singer, story-teller and piper she is unique in her knowledge and performance. Tessa Ransford, poetess, is the founder Director of the Scottish Poetry Library. The young Campbell sisters play just about everything from the cello to the computer In conjunction with Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, and the Iain Crichton Smith Fellowship with Highland Council.

Date: 01/09/04

Start Time: 20:00:00

Venue: Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, An Talla Mhòr

Audience Numbers: 25

Type: Talks and Literature

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Title: 'Poetry and Punk' Gaelic Science Fiction

Description: One of Scotland's finest poets, Meg Bateman, will be reading in Gaelic and English from her new collection 'Transparencies', published by Birlinn in 2013. Meg has been bringing new qualities to Gaelic poetry since her first publications in the 1990s. She will be accompanied by Tim Armstrong, author of the first ever hard science fiction novel in Gaelic, 'Air Cuan Dubh Drilseach' ~ 'On a Glittering Black Sea'. With elements of space-opera adventure, dark cyberpunk, romance, and rock-band road-trip drama, Tim's Gaelic novel is like no other. Enjoy a glass of complimentary wine at this informal event and experience two excellent, and very different, new works, from two fantastic authors.

Date: 28/08/13

Start Time: 7.30 pm

Venue: Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, Seòmar Chruinneachaidh

Audience Numbers: 35

Type: Talks and Literature

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Title: 'Science on the Move'

Description: A Roadshow with hands-on exhibits and demonstrations, bringing science fun for everyone, from the Satrosphere in Aberdeen.

Date: 17/07/96

Start Time: 10:00:00

Venue: Broadford Hall

Type: Talks and Literature

Comment Link

Title: 'Soirbheas' book launch - Meg Bateman

Description: Meg Bateman will be reading from her long awaited third book 'Soirbheas: Fair Wind'. Meg's poems are often intensely personal and give you a chance to travel into the mind of this highly talented writer. Speaking of her new book, Meg says the poems are "more philosophical, but still marked by intense feeling and a restrained classical control". Birlinn Publishers invite you to this free launch. There will be a mini-bus going over the hill from Sabhal Mòr so please book ahead, and return for the Gaelic Song Concert.

Date: 23/07/07

Start Time: 4.30 pm

Venue: Tarskavaig Hall

Type: Talks and Literature

Comment Link

Title: 'The Door of the Wind, The Doors of the Rain - The Universe of George Mackay Brown'.

Description: The door is at the heart of the story. For physics it’s the way forward from a universe charted by space and time to a new and more fundamental level of reality. The step through the door is necessary to resolve the conflicts between relativity and quantum theory, but no one is yet sure of the way through. But the poets know that territory "so maybe", suggests Howie Firth, "they can give the rest of us a clue." A series of images from the poems of George Mackay Brown provide insights into the nature of that new landscape - to encourage you to explore it, in poetry and in physics. A Highland Science Festival Event. Orcadian scientist, writer, and broadcaster, Howie Firth MBE, has been awarded an honorary degree by The Open University. Mr Firth was awarded his degree, for his "Notable contribution to the educational or cultural well-being of society in Scotland", at a ceremony in Glasgow. The founder of the Orkney Science Festival, he is also Patron of the biennial International Festival of Philosophy, Science and Theology in Grafton, New South Wales. He has a public awareness award from the Institute of Physics for services to the communication of Science in the UK, and in 2004 was awarded the MBE for services to popular science

Date: 28/01/09

Start Time: 7.30 pm

Venue: Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, Seòmar Chruinneachaidh

Audience Numbers: 28

Type: Talks and Literature

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Title: 'The Fishing pier that never was' - Neil MacGillivray

Date: 09/07/14

Start Time: 20:00:00

Venue: Ardvasar Hall

Type: Talks and Literature

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Title: 'The Physics of the Wood of Hallaig' - Howie Firth

Description: 'Tha tìm, am fiadh, an Coille Hallaig,' wrote Sorley Maclean. 'Time, the deer, is in the wood of Hallaig.' That, says Howie Firth, is an extraordinarily powerful image that reaches across into the territory of physics - at a time when a growing number of physicists recognise that the concept of time needs to be fundamentally rethought. He looks at the various images of time - as the circling stars, as a river, as a thin straight line, and as a ticking clock - and at the images of two other great Scottish writers, Edwin Muir and Eric Linklater. Remarkably, he says, new work in fundamental physics in recent months is speaking very much the same language as they used. So could Sorley MacLean's image of time also enrich an understanding of physics at the frontiers?

Date: 14/11/07

Start Time: 20:00:00

Venue: Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, Seòmar Chruinneachaidh

Audience Numbers: 40

Type: Talks and Literature

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Title: 'Tobar an Dualchais - Kist o' Riches'

Description: Dr Martin MacIntyre Talks and Literature about the exciting four year project to preserve and make available around 18,000 hours of Gaelic and Scots sound recordings through modern technology. 'S e moladh airson pròseict ùir inntinnich a th'ann an Tobar an Dualchais. Tha dùil gu mair e ceithir bliadhna agus 's e an t-amas aige mu 18,000 uair a thìde de chlàir-fhuaim an Gàidhlig is an Albais a dhìon, agus a sgaoileadh tro theicnneolas an latha an-diugh.

Date: 19/07/00

Start Time: 6.30 pm

Venue: Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, TDC main hall

Audience Numbers: 12

Type: Talks and Literature

Comment Link

Title: 'Tobar an Dualchais'

Description: Tobar an Dualchais is the project which is conserving, cataloguing and digitising 12,000 hours of Gaelic and Scots sound recordings, to be made available online. This online archive will include songs, tunes, folklore, local history, anecdotes and remedies, some of which were recorded on the Isle of Skye. Come and fina out more about this exciting and essential work.

Date: 12/07/07

Start Time: 11:00:00

Venue: Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, TDC main hall

Type: Talks and Literature

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Title: 1500 years of Highland History - Dr Jim Hunter

Date: 13/07/93

Start Time: 17:00:00

Venue: Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, An Talla Mhòr

Type: Talks and Literature

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Title: Aonghais MacNiceal and Angus Peter Campbell

Date: 18/07/94

Start Time: 20:00:00

Venue: Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, An Talla Mhòr

Type: Talks and Literature

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Title: Aos Dàna - 'Celebrating Scottish Food' - Claire MacDonald

Description: Claire Macdonald established Kinloch Lodge Hotel in south Skye with her husband Lord Godfrey Macdonald. She is the author of a wide range of cookery books that particularly celebrate Scottish produce. She has just featured in a 15-part cookery series for TV and her new book on 'Fish' is out in the Autumn. Tonight she shares her passion for writing about food.

Date: 01/08/06

Start Time: 7.30 pm

Venue: Armadale Castle, Somerled Rooms

Type: Talks and Literature

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Title: Aos Dàna - 'Gaelic is the Loving Tongue' Rody Gorman

Description: Bob Dylan, Buson, Issa, Kornelijus Platelis, Njordur Njardvik et al in Gaelic! The Country Blues element includes lyrics by the likes of Kokomo Arnold, Little Brother Urreal Montgomery, Blind Lemon Jefferson and Blind Willie McTell. Rody Gorman, poet and translator, born in Dublin, writes in both Scottish and Irish Gaelic and lives on Skye. The session will be in Gaelic and English, with simultaneous translation.

Date: 15/07/07

Start Time: 4.30 pm

Venue: Armadale Castle, Somerled Rooms

Audience Numbers: 0

Type: Talks and Literature

Comment Link

Title: Aos Dàna - 'Gaelic is the Loving Tongue' Rody Gorman

Description: Bob Dylan, Buson, Issa, Kornelijus Platelis, Njordur Njardvik et al in Gaelic! The Country Blues element includes lyrics by the likes of Kokomo Arnold, Little Brother Urreal Montgomery, Blind Lemon Jefferson and Blind Willie McTell. Rody Gorman, poet and translator, born in Dublin, writes in both Scottish and Irish Gaelic and lives on Skye. The session will be in Gaelic and English, with simultaneous translation.

Date: 15/07/07

Start Time: 4.30 pm

Venue: Armadale Castle, Somerled Rooms

Audience Numbers: 0

Type: Talks and Literature

Comment Link

Title: Aos Dàna - 'Gaelic is the Loving Tongue' Rody Gorman

Description: Bob Dylan, Buson, Issa, Kornelijus Platelis, Njordur Njardvik et al in Gaelic! The Country Blues element includes lyrics by the likes of Kokomo Arnold, Little Brother Urreal Montgomery, Blind Lemon Jefferson and Blind Willie McTell. Rody Gorman, poet and translator, born in Dublin, writes in both Scottish and Irish Gaelic and lives on Skye. The session will be in Gaelic and English, with simultaneous translation.

Date: 15/07/07

Start Time: 4.30 pm

Venue: Armadale Castle, Somerled Rooms

Audience Numbers: 0

Type: Talks and Literature

Comment Link

Title: Aos Dàna - 'Gaelic is the Loving Tongue' Rody Gorman

Description: Bob Dylan, Buson, Issa, Kornelijus Platelis, Njordur Njardvik et al in Gaelic! The Country Blues element includes lyrics by the likes of Kokomo Arnold, Little Brother Urreal Montgomery, Blind Lemon Jefferson and Blind Willie McTell. Rody Gorman, poet and translator, born in Dublin, writes in both Scottish and Irish Gaelic and lives on Skye. The session will be in Gaelic and English, with simultaneous translation.

Date: 15/07/07

Start Time: 4.30 pm

Venue: Armadale Castle, Somerled Rooms

Audience Numbers: 0

Type: Talks and Literature

Comment Link

Title: Aos Dàna - 'Reading Cèilidh' Alastair Scott

Description: Come along to a variety-packed evening of wit, provocative prose and beautiful poetry. Bring a contribution from a favourite author (or your own work!) and share it. Keep reading short or just relax (bar available) and be vastly entertained. Lead by Skye's own travel writer Alastair Scott. If you wish Come along at 7pm to hear the Pipe Band in the amphitheatre before the joining the reading Cèilidh.

Date: 29/07/06

Start Time: 20:00:00

Venue: Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, Seòmar Chruinneachaidh

Audience Numbers: 0

Type: Talks and Literature

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Title: Aos Dàna - 'Scottish Customs from Cradle to Grave' Margaret Bennett

Description: Margaret Bennett was born on the island of Skye. She is well known as a singer but has also published widely in the field of Scottish studies, especially on folkore. She has taught in the School of Scottish Studies and is now at the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama in Glasgow. Tonight Margaret shares the wealth of her knowledge while talking about her book 'Scottish Customs from the Cradle to the Grave', a detailed and comprehensive picture of social behaviour in Scotland over the last 400 years.

Date: 02/08/06

Start Time: 7.30 pm

Venue: Armadale Castle, Somerled Rooms

Type: Talks and Literature

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Title: Aos Dàna - 'Sea Kayaking in the Hebrides' - Gordon Brown

Description: Gordon runs Skyak Advertures in south Skye and is one of the three highest qualified sea-kayak instructors in Scotland. He has a lifetime's experience on rivers and the sea and has trained many people including the Special Forces. Tonight Gordon Talks and Literature about his new book about his travels around the Hebrides by sea.

Date: 03/08/06

Start Time: 7.30 pm

Venue: Armadale Castle, Somerled Rooms

Type: Talks and Literature

Comment Link

Title: Aos Dàna - 'Sean agus Ur/Old and New' - Myles Campbell, Andrew Mitchell

Description: Coiscéim, the Dublin publishers, launch 'Breac-A’-Mhuiltein', Myles Campbell’s retrospective collection of poetry spanning over 30 years. 'Taking You Home' is Andrew Mitchell’s tribute to Iain Crichton Smith and Derick Thomson. Born in Staffin, where he now lives, Maoilios Caimbeul did not learn to write Gaelic until the 60s, (Gaelic not being on offer in school), although he could speak and read the language since childhood. His poetry is internationally acclaimed and represented in An Tuil, Ronald Black's Anthology of 20th Century Scottish Gaelic Verse (Polygon, 2002). Andrew Mitchell's English and Gaelic newly-published poem sequence, Taking You Home, draws upon island culture and the work of two highly acclaimed poets from Bayble in Lewis, and includes their reflections on island life as presented on the BBC Radio 4 Kaleidoscope Feature How Many Miles From Bayble in 1995. The evening will be in Engliash and Gaelic with translation facilities.

Date: 16/07/07

Start Time: 4.30 pm

Venue: Armadale Castle, Somerled Rooms

Audience Numbers: 0

Type: Talks and Literature

Comment Link

Title: Aos Dàna - 'Sean agus Ur/Old and New' - Myles Campbell, Andrew Mitchell

Description: Coiscéim, the Dublin publishers, launch 'Breac-A’-Mhuiltein', Myles Campbell’s retrospective collection of poetry spanning over 30 years. 'Taking You Home' is Andrew Mitchell’s tribute to Iain Crichton Smith and Derick Thomson. Born in Staffin, where he now lives, Maoilios Caimbeul did not learn to write Gaelic until the 60s, (Gaelic not being on offer in school), although he could speak and read the language since childhood. His poetry is internationally acclaimed and represented in An Tuil, Ronald Black's Anthology of 20th Century Scottish Gaelic Verse (Polygon, 2002). Andrew Mitchell's English and Gaelic newly-published poem sequence, Taking You Home, draws upon island culture and the work of two highly acclaimed poets from Bayble in Lewis, and includes their reflections on island life as presented on the BBC Radio 4 Kaleidoscope Feature How Many Miles From Bayble in 1995. The evening will be in Engliash and Gaelic with translation facilities.

Date: 16/07/07

Start Time: 4.30 pm

Venue: Armadale Castle, Somerled Rooms

Audience Numbers: 0

Type: Talks and Literature

Comment Link

Title: Aos Dàna - 'Sean agus Ur/Old and New' - Myles Campbell, Andrew Mitchell

Description: Coiscéim, the Dublin publishers, launch 'Breac-A’-Mhuiltein', Myles Campbell’s retrospective collection of poetry spanning over 30 years. 'Taking You Home' is Andrew Mitchell’s tribute to Iain Crichton Smith and Derick Thomson. Born in Staffin, where he now lives, Maoilios Caimbeul did not learn to write Gaelic until the 60s, (Gaelic not being on offer in school), although he could speak and read the language since childhood. His poetry is internationally acclaimed and represented in An Tuil, Ronald Black's Anthology of 20th Century Scottish Gaelic Verse (Polygon, 2002). Andrew Mitchell's English and Gaelic newly-published poem sequence, Taking You Home, draws upon island culture and the work of two highly acclaimed poets from Bayble in Lewis, and includes their reflections on island life as presented on the BBC Radio 4 Kaleidoscope Feature How Many Miles From Bayble in 1995. The evening will be in Engliash and Gaelic with translation facilities.

Date: 16/07/07

Start Time: 4.30 pm

Venue: Armadale Castle, Somerled Rooms

Audience Numbers: 0

Type: Talks and Literature

Comment Link

Title: Aos Dàna - 'Sean agus Ur/Old and New' - Myles Campbell, Andrew Mitchell

Description: Coiscéim, the Dublin publishers, launch 'Breac-A’-Mhuiltein', Myles Campbell’s retrospective collection of poetry spanning over 30 years. 'Taking You Home' is Andrew Mitchell’s tribute to Iain Crichton Smith and Derick Thomson. Born in Staffin, where he now lives, Maoilios Caimbeul did not learn to write Gaelic until the 60s, (Gaelic not being on offer in school), although he could speak and read the language since childhood. His poetry is internationally acclaimed and represented in An Tuil, Ronald Black's Anthology of 20th Century Scottish Gaelic Verse (Polygon, 2002). Andrew Mitchell's English and Gaelic newly-published poem sequence, Taking You Home, draws upon island culture and the work of two highly acclaimed poets from Bayble in Lewis, and includes their reflections on island life as presented on the BBC Radio 4 Kaleidoscope Feature How Many Miles From Bayble in 1995. The evening will be in Engliash and Gaelic with translation facilities.

Date: 16/07/07

Start Time: 4.30 pm

Venue: Armadale Castle, Somerled Rooms

Audience Numbers: 0

Type: Talks and Literature

Comment Link

Title: Aos Dàna - 'Skye in Photographs' and ' Invisible Islands'

Description: 'Photographs of Skye' is a stunning visual documentary of Skye by writer and broadcaster Cailean MacLean, who lives in the north of the Island. Cailean will show some of the images and talk about his work. Angus Peter Campbell, poet and author, launches his new book 'Invisible Islands'. Both are Gaelic speakers and simultaneous translation to English will be provided.

Date: 27/07/06

Start Time: 7.30 pm

Venue: Armadale Castle, Somerled Rooms

Audience Numbers: 0

Type: Talks and Literature

Comment Link

Title: Aos Dàna - 'Songs of Gaelic Scotland' Anne Lorne Gillies

Description: Anne Lorne Gillies presents her seminal book 'Songs of Gaelic Scotland' (Birlinn, 2005). A Scottish singer, songwriter, broadcaster, author and academic, Anne was raised on a croft in Argyll, when she began singing in early childhood and won the Mòd Gold Medal when she was only seventeen - the day before she left home to study Celtic and English at Edinburgh University. A fluent Gaelic speaker, she has been at the heart of the movement to regenerate Scotland’s ancient language and culture. As a writer she is equally at home in Gaelic and English. She has written scripts and screenplays, short stories and children’s novels, newspaper columns and an award-winning autobiography.

Date: 28/07/06

Start Time: 7.30 pm

Venue: Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, Seòmar Chruinneachaidh

Audience Numbers: 0

Type: Talks and Literature

Comment Link

Title: Aos Dàna - 'The Hebridean Traveller' Denis Rixson

Description: For centuries the Highlands and Islands of Scotland were regarded as culturally as well as physically distinct. Highlanders had a bad reputation, or suffered from a bad press, depending on perspective. Denis Rixson lives in Mallaig and has written an imaginative and stimulating book exploring the various attitudes to the area through the writing of those who have travelled here over the centuries.

Date: 25/07/06

Start Time: 7.30 pm

Venue: Armadale Castle, Somerled Rooms

Audience Numbers: 0

Type: Talks and Literature

Comment Link

Title: Aos Dàna - 'The Reading Cèilidh' Alastair Scott

Description: The Reading Cèilidh started last year and proved very popular . Come along just to join in, or better still, with your own favourite reading - contributions should last a maximum of five/six minutes. Poetry and prose are equally welcome from original or from published works. A few invited writers will make a contribution. Above all, it will be informal, with coffee and a bar. Alastair Scott is a travel writer, novelist and photographer, who lives in Kylerhea. He has sailed single-handed around Ireland and most recently to the Faroe Islands.

Date: 15/07/07

Start Time: 7.30 pm

Venue: Armadale Castle, Somerled Rooms

Audience Numbers: 0

Type: Talks and Literature

Comment Link

Title: Aos Dàna - 'The Reading Cèilidh' Alastair Scott

Description: The Reading Cèilidh started last year and proved very popular . Come along just to join in, or better still, with your own favourite reading - contributions should last a maximum of five/six minutes. Poetry and prose are equally welcome from original or from published works. A few invited writers will make a contribution. Above all, it will be informal, with coffee and a bar. Alastair Scott is a travel writer, novelist and photographer, who lives in Kylerhea. He has sailed single-handed around Ireland and most recently to the Faroe Islands.

Date: 15/07/07

Start Time: 7.30 pm

Venue: Armadale Castle, Somerled Rooms

Audience Numbers: 0

Type: Talks and Literature

Comment Link

Title: Aos Dàna - 'The Reading Cèilidh' Alastair Scott

Description: The Reading Cèilidh started last year and proved very popular . Come along just to join in, or better still, with your own favourite reading - contributions should last a maximum of five/six minutes. Poetry and prose are equally welcome from original or from published works. A few invited writers will make a contribution. Above all, it will be informal, with coffee and a bar. Alastair Scott is a travel writer, novelist and photographer, who lives in Kylerhea. He has sailed single-handed around Ireland and most recently to the Faroe Islands.

Date: 15/07/07

Start Time: 7.30 pm

Venue: Armadale Castle, Somerled Rooms

Audience Numbers: 0

Type: Talks and Literature

Comment Link

Title: Aos Dàna - 'The Reading Cèilidh' Alastair Scott

Description: The Reading Cèilidh started last year and proved very popular . Come along just to join in, or better still, with your own favourite reading - contributions should last a maximum of five/six minutes. Poetry and prose are equally welcome from original or from published works. A few invited writers will make a contribution. Above all, it will be informal, with coffee and a bar. Alastair Scott is a travel writer, novelist and photographer, who lives in Kylerhea. He has sailed single-handed around Ireland and most recently to the Faroe Islands.

Date: 15/07/07

Start Time: 7.30 pm

Venue: Armadale Castle, Somerled Rooms

Audience Numbers: 0

Type: Talks and Literature

Comment Link

Title: Aos Dàna - 'The Scottish Exodus' - Dr James Hunter

Description: James Hunter is an author, historian and commentator with a long-standing interest in rural development. His groundbreaking account of Scotland's worldwide diaspora is based on unpublished documents, letters and family histories. 'Scottish Exodus'' is a tale of horror and hardship, disastrous voyages, famine and dispossession: the hazards of pioneering on faraway frontiers. But, it is also the moving story of how people separated from Scotland by hundreds of years and thousands of miles continue to identify with the small country where their global journeys began.

Date: 31/07/06

Start Time: 7.30 pm

Venue: Armadale Castle, Somerled Rooms

Type: Talks and Literature

Comment Link

Title: Aos Dàna - 'Traditional Tales of the Campfire' - Jessie Smith

Description: Jess Smith will talk about her life as a traditional storyteller and one of the last Travelling folk raised in a lifestyle of itinerant working the land. Jess has written three books on her ten years travelling the country in an old bus with parents and seven sisters. Jessie's Journey' and 'Tales from the Tent' were in Scotland’s best-selling list. Her first novel is nearing completion. "Takes you into an unfamiliar world . . . remarkable." Caledonia

Date: 30/07/06

Start Time: 14:00:00

Venue: Armadale Castle, Somerled Rooms

Audience Numbers: 0

Type: Talks and Literature

Comment Link

Title: Aos Dàna - Gaelic Writing - Anne Lorne Gillies

Description: Dr Anne Lorne Gillies leads a Gaelic Language session for aspiring authors.

Date: 29/07/06

Start Time: 11:00:00

Venue: Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, An Talla Mhòr

Type: Talks and Literature

Comment Link

Title: Aos Dàna - Hamish Henderson by Timothy Neat

Description: Hamish Henderson (1919-2002) and Sorley McLean (1911-1996) were giants of Twentieth Century Scottish culture. Their lives have been portrayed by writer and cinematographer, Timothy Neat. Tim will use film and live music in this talk, based on his two-volume study of Hamish, who was a major European literary and political figure as well as a folklorist. He wrote songs that Bob Dylan sourced, and composed the great Scots language anthem, 'Freedom Come-All-Ye'.

Date: 02/08/10

Start Time: 20:00:00

Venue: Tarskavaig Hall

Type: Talks and Literature

Comment Link

Title: Aos Dàna - Open Library

Date: 26/07/06

Start Time: 15:00:00

Venue: Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, Library

Type: Talks and Literature

Comment Link

Title: Aos Dàna - ‘Calum’s Road' - Roger Hutchinson

Description: "A road, 12 feet wide and two tortuously slow miles long, built over 20 years by one man with little more than a pick, a shovel and a wheelbarrow . . . It starts at Brochel Castle and winds to Arnish, on the north tip of Raasay, where Calum MacLeod lived and worked as a crofter, postman and tender of the Rona lighthouse." This is the story of one amazing road and a whole island history. Roger Hutchinson is an award-winning journalist and author. He has lived in Raasay for eight years, and in Skye for the previous 22. He met Calum in 1979, on an assignment for the West Highland Free Press, for which he’d come to work after leaving London. Other Books by Roger Hutchinson. His books include: ‘Empire Games: The British Invention of Twentieth-Century Sport’, ‘Polly: The True Story Behind Whisky Galore’, ‘The Soap Man: Lewis, Harris and Lord Leverhulme’ and ‘A Waxing Moon,’ the Story of Sabhal Mòr Ostaig.

Date: 13/07/07

Start Time: 4.30 pm

Venue: Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, Seòmar Chruinneachaidh

Audience Numbers: 0

Type: Talks and Literature

Comment Link

Title: Aos Dàna - ‘Calum’s Road' - Roger Hutchinson

Description: "A road, 12 feet wide and two tortuously slow miles long, built over 20 years by one man with little more than a pick, a shovel and a wheelbarrow . . . It starts at Brochel Castle and winds to Arnish, on the north tip of Raasay, where Calum MacLeod lived and worked as a crofter, postman and tender of the Rona lighthouse." This is the story of one amazing road and a whole island history. Roger Hutchinson is an award-winning journalist and author. He has lived in Raasay for eight years, and in Skye for the previous 22. He met Calum in 1979, on an assignment for the West Highland Free Press, for which he’d come to work after leaving London. Other Books by Roger Hutchinson. His books include: ‘Empire Games: The British Invention of Twentieth-Century Sport’, ‘Polly: The True Story Behind Whisky Galore’, ‘The Soap Man: Lewis, Harris and Lord Leverhulme’ and ‘A Waxing Moon,’ the Story of Sabhal Mòr Ostaig.

Date: 13/07/07

Start Time: 4.30 pm

Venue: Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, Seòmar Chruinneachaidh

Audience Numbers: 0

Type: Talks and Literature

Comment Link

Title: Aos Dàna - ‘Calum’s Road' - Roger Hutchinson

Description: "A road, 12 feet wide and two tortuously slow miles long, built over 20 years by one man with little more than a pick, a shovel and a wheelbarrow . . . It starts at Brochel Castle and winds to Arnish, on the north tip of Raasay, where Calum MacLeod lived and worked as a crofter, postman and tender of the Rona lighthouse." This is the story of one amazing road and a whole island history. Roger Hutchinson is an award-winning journalist and author. He has lived in Raasay for eight years, and in Skye for the previous 22. He met Calum in 1979, on an assignment for the West Highland Free Press, for which he’d come to work after leaving London. Other Books by Roger Hutchinson. His books include: ‘Empire Games: The British Invention of Twentieth-Century Sport’, ‘Polly: The True Story Behind Whisky Galore’, ‘The Soap Man: Lewis, Harris and Lord Leverhulme’ and ‘A Waxing Moon,’ the Story of Sabhal Mòr Ostaig.

Date: 13/07/07

Start Time: 4.30 pm

Venue: Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, Seòmar Chruinneachaidh

Audience Numbers: 0

Type: Talks and Literature

Comment Link

Title: Aos Dàna - ‘Calum’s Road' - Roger Hutchinson

Description: "A road, 12 feet wide and two tortuously slow miles long, built over 20 years by one man with little more than a pick, a shovel and a wheelbarrow . . . It starts at Brochel Castle and winds to Arnish, on the north tip of Raasay, where Calum MacLeod lived and worked as a crofter, postman and tender of the Rona lighthouse." This is the story of one amazing road and a whole island history. Roger Hutchinson is an award-winning journalist and author. He has lived in Raasay for eight years, and in Skye for the previous 22. He met Calum in 1979, on an assignment for the West Highland Free Press, for which he’d come to work after leaving London. Other Books by Roger Hutchinson. His books include: ‘Empire Games: The British Invention of Twentieth-Century Sport’, ‘Polly: The True Story Behind Whisky Galore’, ‘The Soap Man: Lewis, Harris and Lord Leverhulme’ and ‘A Waxing Moon,’ the Story of Sabhal Mòr Ostaig.

Date: 13/07/07

Start Time: 4.30 pm

Venue: Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, Seòmar Chruinneachaidh

Audience Numbers: 0

Type: Talks and Literature

Comment Link

Title: Aos Dàna - ‘Calum’s Road' - Roger Hutchinson

Description: "A road, 12 feet wide and two tortuously slow miles long, built over 20 years by one man with little more than a pick, a shovel and a wheelbarrow . . . It starts at Brochel Castle and winds to Arnish, on the north tip of Raasay, where Calum MacLeod lived and worked as a crofter, postman and tender of the Rona lighthouse." This is the story of one amazing road and a whole island history. Roger Hutchinson is an award-winning journalist and author. He has lived in Raasay for eight years, and in Skye for the previous 22. He met Calum in 1979, on an assignment for the West Highland Free Press, for which he’d come to work after leaving London. Other Books by Roger Hutchinson. His books include: ‘Empire Games: The British Invention of Twentieth-Century Sport’, ‘Polly: The True Story Behind Whisky Galore’, ‘The Soap Man: Lewis, Harris and Lord Leverhulme’ and ‘A Waxing Moon,’ the Story of Sabhal Mòr Ostaig.

Date: 13/07/07

Start Time: 4.30 pm

Venue: Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, Seòmar Chruinneachaidh

Audience Numbers: 0

Type: Talks and Literature

Comment Link

Title: Aos Dàna - ‘Encounters with Gaels’ - Leslie Riddoch

Description: The forthcoming book recounts Lesley Riddoch’s encounters, as she cycled from Barra to the Butt of Lewis in 2006, a journey she undertook to explore the language, economy, culture & history of the Outer Isles. The book is based on her robust exchanges with crofters, villagers & visitors, and her own reflections about the big cultural and demographic challenges facing the isles over the next decade. Lesley Riddoch attended university at Oxford, where she was President of the Union. She is a prize-winning journalist. Between 1999 and 2005, she had her own daily radio programme the Lesley Riddoch Programme on Radio Scotland. Lesley assisted in putting together the community buyout plan for Eigg and is a Trustee of the Isle of Eigg Trust. After the reading move a few feet to the Cèilidh venue for the dance.

Date: 13/07/07

Start Time: 7.30 pm

Venue: Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, Seòmar Chruinneachaidh

Audience Numbers: 0

Type: Talks and Literature

Comment Link

Title: Aos Dàna - ‘Encounters with Gaels’ - Leslie Riddoch

Description: The forthcoming book recounts Lesley Riddoch’s encounters, as she cycled from Barra to the Butt of Lewis in 2006, a journey she undertook to explore the language, economy, culture & history of the Outer Isles. The book is based on her robust exchanges with crofters, villagers & visitors, and her own reflections about the big cultural and demographic challenges facing the isles over the next decade. Lesley Riddoch attended university at Oxford, where she was President of the Union. She is a prize-winning journalist. Between 1999 and 2005, she had her own daily radio programme the Lesley Riddoch Programme on Radio Scotland. Lesley assisted in putting together the community buyout plan for Eigg and is a Trustee of the Isle of Eigg Trust. After the reading move a few feet to the Cèilidh venue for the dance.

Date: 13/07/07

Start Time: 7.30 pm

Venue: Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, Seòmar Chruinneachaidh

Audience Numbers: 0

Type: Talks and Literature

Comment Link

Title: Aos Dàna - ‘Encounters with Gaels’ - Leslie Riddoch

Description: The forthcoming book recounts Lesley Riddoch’s encounters, as she cycled from Barra to the Butt of Lewis in 2006, a journey she undertook to explore the language, economy, culture & history of the Outer Isles. The book is based on her robust exchanges with crofters, villagers & visitors, and her own reflections about the big cultural and demographic challenges facing the isles over the next decade. Lesley Riddoch attended university at Oxford, where she was President of the Union. She is a prize-winning journalist. Between 1999 and 2005, she had her own daily radio programme the Lesley Riddoch Programme on Radio Scotland. Lesley assisted in putting together the community buyout plan for Eigg and is a Trustee of the Isle of Eigg Trust. After the reading move a few feet to the Cèilidh venue for the dance.

Date: 13/07/07

Start Time: 7.30 pm

Venue: Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, Seòmar Chruinneachaidh

Audience Numbers: 0

Type: Talks and Literature

Comment Link

Title: Aos Dàna - ‘Encounters with Gaels’ - Leslie Riddoch

Description: The forthcoming book recounts Lesley Riddoch’s encounters, as she cycled from Barra to the Butt of Lewis in 2006, a journey she undertook to explore the language, economy, culture & history of the Outer Isles. The book is based on her robust exchanges with crofters, villagers & visitors, and her own reflections about the big cultural and demographic challenges facing the isles over the next decade. Lesley Riddoch attended university at Oxford, where she was President of the Union. She is a prize-winning journalist. Between 1999 and 2005, she had her own daily radio programme the Lesley Riddoch Programme on Radio Scotland. Lesley assisted in putting together the community buyout plan for Eigg and is a Trustee of the Isle of Eigg Trust. After the reading move a few feet to the Cèilidh venue for the dance.

Date: 13/07/07

Start Time: 7.30 pm

Venue: Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, Seòmar Chruinneachaidh

Audience Numbers: 0

Type: Talks and Literature

Comment Link

Title: Aos Dàna - ‘Encounters with Gaels’ - Leslie Riddoch

Description: The forthcoming book recounts Lesley Riddoch’s encounters, as she cycled from Barra to the Butt of Lewis in 2006, a journey she undertook to explore the language, economy, culture & history of the Outer Isles. The book is based on her robust exchanges with crofters, villagers & visitors, and her own reflections about the big cultural and demographic challenges facing the isles over the next decade. Lesley Riddoch attended university at Oxford, where she was President of the Union. She is a prize-winning journalist. Between 1999 and 2005, she had her own daily radio programme the Lesley Riddoch Programme on Radio Scotland. Lesley assisted in putting together the community buyout plan for Eigg and is a Trustee of the Isle of Eigg Trust. After the reading move a few feet to the Cèilidh venue for the dance.

Date: 13/07/07

Start Time: 7.30 pm

Venue: Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, Seòmar Chruinneachaidh

Audience Numbers: 0

Type: Talks and Literature

Comment Link

Title: Aos Dàna - ‘Gaelic poems in the Scots Tongue’ Angus Peter Campbell

Description: Gaelic and Scots sit harmoniously in Angus Peter's new volume. In the 15th century, the two tongues were in bitter rivalry. The poet Dunbar conjures a picture of hell in his Dance of the Seven Deadly Sins. Finding it packed with ragged Gaels, the Devil calls for a Hieland pageant. The Highlanders deafen him with Gaelic, so he puts them in the deepest pit in hell and 'smoorits' them! After five centuries, a poetic reconciliation. Angus Peter is joined by the Scots translator, the scholar J Derrick McClure of Aberdeen University who will read Angus Peter's poems in Scots. Aonghas Padraig, a native of South Uist, was introduced to literature by his teacher, the late Ian Crichton Smith. Encouragement was also given by the late Sorley MacLean. A career in journalism followed. He is now a prominent writer and broadcaster. He is a longtime Skye resident and had an impressive debut in 2007, as lead actor, in Seachd, the first-ever Gaelic-language feature film.

Date: 16/07/07

Start Time: 7.30 pm

Venue: Armadale Castle, Somerled Rooms

Audience Numbers: 0

Type: Talks and Literature

Comment Link

Title: Aos Dàna - ‘Gaelic poems in the Scots Tongue’ Angus Peter Campbell

Description: Gaelic and Scots sit harmoniously in Angus Peter's new volume. In the 15th century, the two tongues were in bitter rivalry. The poet Dunbar conjures a picture of hell in his Dance of the Seven Deadly Sins. Finding it packed with ragged Gaels, the Devil calls for a Hieland pageant. The Highlanders deafen him with Gaelic, so he puts them in the deepest pit in hell and 'smoorits' them! After five centuries, a poetic reconciliation. Angus Peter is joined by the Scots translator, the scholar J Derrick McClure of Aberdeen University who will read Angus Peter's poems in Scots. Aonghas Padraig, a native of South Uist, was introduced to literature by his teacher, the late Ian Crichton Smith. Encouragement was also given by the late Sorley MacLean. A career in journalism followed. He is now a prominent writer and broadcaster. He is a longtime Skye resident and had an impressive debut in 2007, as lead actor, in Seachd, the first-ever Gaelic-language feature film.

Date: 16/07/07

Start Time: 7.30 pm

Venue: Armadale Castle, Somerled Rooms

Audience Numbers: 0

Type: Talks and Literature

Comment Link

Title: Aos Dàna - ‘Gaelic poems in the Scots Tongue’ Angus Peter Campbell

Description: Gaelic and Scots sit harmoniously in Angus Peter's new volume. In the 15th century, the two tongues were in bitter rivalry. The poet Dunbar conjures a picture of hell in his Dance of the Seven Deadly Sins. Finding it packed with ragged Gaels, the Devil calls for a Hieland pageant. The Highlanders deafen him with Gaelic, so he puts them in the deepest pit in hell and 'smoorits' them! After five centuries, a poetic reconciliation. Angus Peter is joined by the Scots translator, the scholar J Derrick McClure of Aberdeen University who will read Angus Peter's poems in Scots. Aonghas Padraig, a native of South Uist, was introduced to literature by his teacher, the late Ian Crichton Smith. Encouragement was also given by the late Sorley MacLean. A career in journalism followed. He is now a prominent writer and broadcaster. He is a longtime Skye resident and had an impressive debut in 2007, as lead actor, in Seachd, the first-ever Gaelic-language feature film.

Date: 16/07/07

Start Time: 7.30 pm

Venue: Armadale Castle, Somerled Rooms

Audience Numbers: 0

Type: Talks and Literature

Comment Link

Title: Aos Dàna - ‘Gaelic poems in the Scots Tongue’ Angus Peter Campbell

Description: Gaelic and Scots sit harmoniously in Angus Peter's new volume. In the 15th century, the two tongues were in bitter rivalry. The poet Dunbar conjures a picture of hell in his Dance of the Seven Deadly Sins. Finding it packed with ragged Gaels, the Devil calls for a Hieland pageant. The Highlanders deafen him with Gaelic, so he puts them in the deepest pit in hell and 'smoorits' them! After five centuries, a poetic reconciliation. Angus Peter is joined by the Scots translator, the scholar J Derrick McClure of Aberdeen University who will read Angus Peter's poems in Scots. Aonghas Padraig, a native of South Uist, was introduced to literature by his teacher, the late Ian Crichton Smith. Encouragement was also given by the late Sorley MacLean. A career in journalism followed. He is now a prominent writer and broadcaster. He is a longtime Skye resident and had an impressive debut in 2007, as lead actor, in Seachd, the first-ever Gaelic-language feature film.

Date: 16/07/07

Start Time: 7.30 pm

Venue: Armadale Castle, Somerled Rooms

Audience Numbers: 0

Type: Talks and Literature

Comment Link

Title: Aos Dàna - ‘Soil and Soul' and 'Love and Revolution’ , Alastair McIntosh

Description: Alastair’s beliefs are rooted in his upbringing on the Isle of Lewis . . . He does not advocate returning to a preindustrial golden age, but balances the gains of modernity against what has been lost. In particular, he demonstrates how the rise of the modern era undermined communities governed by a sense of reverence and mutual responsibility. But right relationship can be restored, he suggests, by learning from the bardic tradition to create a new harmony of soil, soul and society. Alastair McIntosh is a writer, lecturer, social activist, broadcaster and campaigning academic. He is a Director of the GalGael Trust, and Visiting Professor of Human Ecology at the University of Strathclyde. Luke Concannon, lead singer in Nizlopi says of Alastair " I asked [him] to get up and rave with us because he is my favourite author. He is a poet, a thinker and a doer. He seems able to link us to our past, to the land and to the spiritual core that is the essence of life and art. We need people who dare to speak these truths. He howls his poems like a wild man.

Date: 17/07/07

Start Time: 4.30 pm

Venue: Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, Seòmar Chruinneachaidh

Audience Numbers: 0

Type: Talks and Literature

Comment Link

Title: Aos Dàna - ‘Soil and Soul' and 'Love and Revolution’ , Alastair McIntosh

Description: Alastair’s beliefs are rooted in his upbringing on the Isle of Lewis . . . He does not advocate returning to a preindustrial golden age, but balances the gains of modernity against what has been lost. In particular, he demonstrates how the rise of the modern era undermined communities governed by a sense of reverence and mutual responsibility. But right relationship can be restored, he suggests, by learning from the bardic tradition to create a new harmony of soil, soul and society. Alastair McIntosh is a writer, lecturer, social activist, broadcaster and campaigning academic. He is a Director of the GalGael Trust, and Visiting Professor of Human Ecology at the University of Strathclyde. Luke Concannon, lead singer in Nizlopi says of Alastair " I asked [him] to get up and rave with us because he is my favourite author. He is a poet, a thinker and a doer. He seems able to link us to our past, to the land and to the spiritual core that is the essence of life and art. We need people who dare to speak these truths. He howls his poems like a wild man.

Date: 17/07/07

Start Time: 4.30 pm

Venue: Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, Seòmar Chruinneachaidh

Audience Numbers: 0

Type: Talks and Literature

Comment Link

Title: Aos Dàna - ‘Soil and Soul' and 'Love and Revolution’ , Alastair McIntosh

Description: Alastair’s beliefs are rooted in his upbringing on the Isle of Lewis . . . He does not advocate returning to a preindustrial golden age, but balances the gains of modernity against what has been lost. In particular, he demonstrates how the rise of the modern era undermined communities governed by a sense of reverence and mutual responsibility. But right relationship can be restored, he suggests, by learning from the bardic tradition to create a new harmony of soil, soul and society. Alastair McIntosh is a writer, lecturer, social activist, broadcaster and campaigning academic. He is a Director of the GalGael Trust, and Visiting Professor of Human Ecology at the University of Strathclyde. Luke Concannon, lead singer in Nizlopi says of Alastair " I asked [him] to get up and rave with us because he is my favourite author. He is a poet, a thinker and a doer. He seems able to link us to our past, to the land and to the spiritual core that is the essence of life and art. We need people who dare to speak these truths. He howls his poems like a wild man.

Date: 17/07/07

Start Time: 4.30 pm

Venue: Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, Seòmar Chruinneachaidh

Audience Numbers: 0

Type: Talks and Literature

Comment Link

Title: Aos Dàna - ‘Soil and Soul' and 'Love and Revolution’ , Alastair McIntosh

Description: Alastair’s beliefs are rooted in his upbringing on the Isle of Lewis . . . He does not advocate returning to a preindustrial golden age, but balances the gains of modernity against what has been lost. In particular, he demonstrates how the rise of the modern era undermined communities governed by a sense of reverence and mutual responsibility. But right relationship can be restored, he suggests, by learning from the bardic tradition to create a new harmony of soil, soul and society. Alastair McIntosh is a writer, lecturer, social activist, broadcaster and campaigning academic. He is a Director of the GalGael Trust, and Visiting Professor of Human Ecology at the University of Strathclyde. Luke Concannon, lead singer in Nizlopi says of Alastair " I asked [him] to get up and rave with us because he is my favourite author. He is a poet, a thinker and a doer. He seems able to link us to our past, to the land and to the spiritual core that is the essence of life and art. We need people who dare to speak these truths. He howls his poems like a wild man.

Date: 17/07/07

Start Time: 4.30 pm

Venue: Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, Seòmar Chruinneachaidh

Audience Numbers: 0

Type: Talks and Literature

Comment Link

Title: Aos Dàna - ‘The Dark Ship’ - Anne MacLeod

Description: Anne MacLeod's beautifully written first novel of love and war is a Scottish best-seller. It tells a story of a people bound together by grief and history. As the Great War ends, a remote Hebridean Community is devastated by the sinking of the Iolaire, bringing troops home from France. More than 200 Lewismen perish and no family is left untouched. The book travels between the two World Wars spanning three generations of island families. Anne MacLeod works as a doctor in Inverness. An engaging reader, of poetry or prose, Anne often combines the spoken word with unaccompanied song.

Date: 14/07/07

Start Time: 4.30 pm

Venue: Armadale Castle, Somerled Rooms

Audience Numbers: 0

Type: Talks and Literature

Comment Link

Title: Aos Dàna - ‘The Dark Ship’ - Anne MacLeod

Description: Anne MacLeod's beautifully written first novel of love and war is a Scottish best-seller. It tells a story of a people bound together by grief and history. As the Great War ends, a remote Hebridean Community is devastated by the sinking of the Iolaire, bringing troops home from France. More than 200 Lewismen perish and no family is left untouched. The book travels between the two World Wars spanning three generations of island families. Anne MacLeod works as a doctor in Inverness. An engaging reader, of poetry or prose, Anne often combines the spoken word with unaccompanied song.

Date: 14/07/07

Start Time: 4.30 pm

Venue: Armadale Castle, Somerled Rooms

Audience Numbers: 0

Type: Talks and Literature

Comment Link

Title: Aos Dàna - ‘The Dark Ship’ - Anne MacLeod

Description: Anne MacLeod's beautifully written first novel of love and war is a Scottish best-seller. It tells a story of a people bound together by grief and history. As the Great War ends, a remote Hebridean Community is devastated by the sinking of the Iolaire, bringing troops home from France. More than 200 Lewismen perish and no family is left untouched. The book travels between the two World Wars spanning three generations of island families. Anne MacLeod works as a doctor in Inverness. An engaging reader, of poetry or prose, Anne often combines the spoken word with unaccompanied song.

Date: 14/07/07

Start Time: 4.30 pm

Venue: Armadale Castle, Somerled Rooms

Audience Numbers: 0

Type: Talks and Literature

Comment Link

Title: Aos Dàna - ‘The Dark Ship’ - Anne MacLeod

Description: Anne MacLeod's beautifully written first novel of love and war is a Scottish best-seller. It tells a story of a people bound together by grief and history. As the Great War ends, a remote Hebridean Community is devastated by the sinking of the Iolaire, bringing troops home from France. More than 200 Lewismen perish and no family is left untouched. The book travels between the two World Wars spanning three generations of island families. Anne MacLeod works as a doctor in Inverness. An engaging reader, of poetry or prose, Anne often combines the spoken word with unaccompanied song.

Date: 14/07/07

Start Time: 4.30 pm

Venue: Armadale Castle, Somerled Rooms

Audience Numbers: 0

Type: Talks and Literature

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Title: Aos Dàna - ‘The Unbroken Harp’ - David Craig

Description: David Craig is a foremost expert on the Clearances. His book tells the story of Flo Campbell and her eviction from the family's island home, and all her subsequent struggles. The compelling storyline has terrific energy, from the Battle of the Braes and Flo's travels and employment on Skye and beyond." For 23 years David taught creative writing at Lancaster University. He lives in South Cumbria with his author wife.

Date: 14/07/07

Start Time: 7.30 pm

Venue: Armadale Castle, Somerled Rooms

Audience Numbers: 0

Type: Talks and Literature

Comment Link

Title: Aos Dàna - ‘The Unbroken Harp’ - David Craig

Description: David Craig is a foremost expert on the Clearances. His book tells the story of Flo Campbell and her eviction from the family's island home, and all her subsequent struggles. The compelling storyline has terrific energy, from the Battle of the Braes and Flo's travels and employment on Skye and beyond." For 23 years David taught creative writing at Lancaster University. He lives in South Cumbria with his author wife.

Date: 14/07/07

Start Time: 7.30 pm

Venue: Armadale Castle, Somerled Rooms

Audience Numbers: 0

Type: Talks and Literature

Comment Link

Title: Aos Dàna - ‘The Unbroken Harp’ - David Craig

Description: David Craig is a foremost expert on the Clearances. His book tells the story of Flo Campbell and her eviction from the family's island home, and all her subsequent struggles. The compelling storyline has terrific energy, from the Battle of the Braes and Flo's travels and employment on Skye and beyond." For 23 years David taught creative writing at Lancaster University. He lives in South Cumbria with his author wife.

Date: 14/07/07

Start Time: 7.30 pm

Venue: Armadale Castle, Somerled Rooms

Audience Numbers: 0

Type: Talks and Literature

Comment Link

Title: Aos Dàna - ‘The Unbroken Harp’ - David Craig

Description: David Craig is a foremost expert on the Clearances. His book tells the story of Flo Campbell and her eviction from the family's island home, and all her subsequent struggles. The compelling storyline has terrific energy, from the Battle of the Braes and Flo's travels and employment on Skye and beyond." For 23 years David taught creative writing at Lancaster University. He lives in South Cumbria with his author wife.

Date: 14/07/07

Start Time: 7.30 pm

Venue: Armadale Castle, Somerled Rooms

Audience Numbers: 0

Type: Talks and Literature

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Title: Aos Dàna: 'Blether 2 - A Writers’ Gathering with a difference!'

Description: A unique and informal evening for writers, readers and all who love a good book! Blether 2 focuses on great new books from women writers in the Highland and Islands featuring readings and music from Skye-based writer Linda Gillard, author of the acclaimed new novel ‘Emotional Geology’, and Erica Munro reading from her new book and whose novel ‘Guilty Feet’ was an instant bestseller in 2004. To complete a thrilling evening of intrigue, daring romance and deep insight, Christine Primrose, one of the leading traditional Gaelic singers of the generation, will provide songs of love and loss in her truly inimitable style. Blether 2 is a HI-Arts Writing Development event in association with Fèis an Eilein.

Date: 23/07/05

Start Time: 19:00:00

Venue: Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, An Talla Mhòr

Type: Talks and Literature

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Title: Aos Dàna: 'The Music of Scotland' - John Purser

Description: A major moment in Scotland's music history was the publication, in 1992, of Scotland's Music by John Purser, a gaelic speaker who lives at Drinan, on Skye. The uniqueness of the book is known by collectors, who now pay around £300 for a copy at auction. The book's importance was recognised by a special supplement in Scotland on Sunday, and its launch was a highlight of the 1992 Edinburgh International Festival. John Purser's talk will highlight some of the musical treasures of our nation that are revealed in his outstanding book.

Date: 20/07/05

Start Time: 6.15 pm

Venue: Armadale Castle, Somerled Rooms

Audience Numbers: 0

Type: Talks and Literature

Comment Link

Title: Aos Dàna: 'The Music of Scotland' - John Purser

Description: A major moment in Scotland's music history was the publication, in 1992, of Scotland's Music by John Purser, a gaelic speaker who lives at Drinan, on Skye. The uniqueness of the book is known by collectors, who now pay around £300 for a copy at auction. The book's importance was recognised by a special supplement in Scotland on Sunday, and its launch was a highlight of the 1992 Edinburgh International Festival. John Purser's talk will highlight some of the musical treasures of our nation that are revealed in his outstanding book.

Date: 20/07/05

Start Time: 6.15 pm

Venue: Armadale Castle, Somerled Rooms

Audience Numbers: 0

Type: Talks and Literature

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Title: Aos Dàna: Angus Peter Campbell

Description: Award-winning author and journalist Angus Peter Campbell will lead a talk/discussion on the vital future Gaelic literature has in a multi-cultural 21st century world. His Gaelic novel 'An Oidhche Mus do Sheòl Sinn' is on The List's list of the Top 100 Books ever-published in Scotland. His talk will be in English and his readings from his own work in Gaelic. "Writing at the hight of his powers" The Herald.

Date: 18/07/05

Start Time: 6.15 pm

Venue: Armadale Castle, Somerled Rooms

Audience Numbers: 0

Type: Talks and Literature

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Title: Aos Dàna: Gaelic poetry

Description: Gaelic (and English) poetry is flourishing in Skye. Rody Gorman and Rob Kerr are published Gaelic poets living in south Skye. They will offer their poems in both Gaelic and Enlgish and will be joined by Gaelic singer Gwen MacQuarrie.

Date: 14/07/05

Start Time: 6.15 pm

Venue: Armadale Castle, Somerled Rooms

Audience Numbers: 0

Type: Talks and Literature

Comment Link

Title: Aos Dàna: ‘Our Ancestors’ Professor Bryan Sykes

Description: Bryan Sykes lives in Skye and Oxford where he is Professor of Human Genetics and founder of 'Oxford Ancestors'. He is a popular speaker at book festivals around the world. His book "The Seven Daughters of Eve" is based on exciting discoveries concerning our ancestry and is a best-seller. He has also shown that many members of several Scottish clans can be traced back to a common ancestor and has studied Gaelic and Norse ancestry on Skye.

Date: 13/07/05

Start Time: 18:15:00

Venue: Armadale Castle, Somerled Rooms

Audience Numbers: 0

Type: Talks and Literature

Comment Link

Title: Aos Dàna: ‘Our Ancestors’ Professor Bryan Sykes

Description: Bryan Sykes lives in Skye and Oxford where he is Professor of Human Genetics and founder of 'Oxford Ancestors'. He is a popular speaker at book festivals around the world. His book "The Seven Daughters of Eve" is based on exciting discoveries concerning our ancestry and is a best-seller. He has also shown that many members of several Scottish clans can be traced back to a common ancestor and has studied Gaelic and Norse ancestry on Skye.

Date: 13/07/05

Start Time: 18:15:00

Venue: Armadale Castle, Somerled Rooms

Audience Numbers: 0

Type: Talks and Literature

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Title: Ashaig Walk

Description: A local historian will take you on a gentle Sunday afternoon walk, exploring the ancient Ashaig graveyard overlooking the broad sandy beaches and croft-land.

Date: 16/07/00

Start Time: 15:00:00

Venue: Ashaig Cemetery

Audience Numbers: 30

Type: Talks and Literature

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Title: BBC Radio nan Gaidheal - 'Mo Roghainn Fhèin'

Description: Mark Wringe, from Sabhal Mor Ostaig, and well-known as the presenter of BBC Radio nan Gaidheal's book programme "Leugh an Leabhar" quizzes two very special guests about their favourite Gaelic poems in his own inimitable style. Starting the night will be Norman Gillies, who is soon to retire after 25 years as Principal of Sabhal Mòr Ostaig. Morag MacDonald is one of Gaeldom's most popular broadcasters, whose programme, 'A' Mire ri Mòir', is listened to far and wide. Prepare to be intrigued and entertained when each of these fascinating individuals shares their own choice of Gaelic poetry in this very special event, which is being recorded by BBC Radio nan Gaidheal. A free Gaelic language event, with limited seating, so please book your ticket ahead of time if possible.

Date: 16/07/08

Start Time: 20:00:00

Venue: Armadale Castle, Somerled Rooms

Audience Numbers: 11

Type: Talks and Literature

Comment Link

Title: Blas Festival - 'Cuairt Nam Bard'

Description: Bàrdachd, cèol is òran a Eirinn agus Alba A gathering of Irish and Scottish musicians and poets including Proinsias Mac a’ Bhàird and Pádraic Keane from County Galway, the singer Eithne Ní Chatháin and storyteller Ceaitì Ní Bheildiúin with Scottish guest musicians. + Crisdean Macdonald, Rody Gorman Enjoy a pre-concert meal, and book on 01471 844774.

Date: 12/09/13

Start Time: 7.30 pm

Venue: Armadale, The Stables Restaurant

Audience Numbers: 35

Type: Talks and Literature

Comment Link

Title: Blas Festival - 'Water from the Well' ~ 'Blasad bhon Tobar'

Description: A celebration of the priceless archival material collated by the ‘Tobar an Dualchais’ or ‘Kist o Riches’ project. Gaelic singers Margaret Stewart and Gillebrìde MacMillan and accomplished Scots musician Steve Byrne all worked as song specialists on Tobar an Dualchais. They will be joined by acclaimed Skye singer Anne Martin and by award-winning piper Decker Forrest. Tha Blasad bhon Tobar/Water from the Well a’ comharrachadh nan clàran phrìseil a gheibhear air làrach-lìn Tobar an Dualchais www.tobarandualchais.co.uk Bha na seinneadairean ainmeil Maighread Stiùbhart agus Gillebrìde MacIllemhaoil agus an neach-ciùil sgileil Steve Byrne uile ag obair mar eòlaichean-òrain air a’ phròiseact. Còmhla riutha bidh an seinneadair cliùiteach Anna Mhàrtainn às an Eilean Sgitheanach agus sàr-phìobaire Decker Forrest. And launching, for the first time, both a Gaelic and Scots version of a Tintin comic. ‘An t-Eilean Dubh’ was translated by Gillebrìde MacIllemhaoil.

Date: 07/09/13

Start Time: 7.30 pm

Venue: Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, TDC main hall

Audience Numbers: 42

Type: Talks and Literature

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Title: Blas Festival: Cuairt Nam Bard

Date: 10/09/14

Start Time: 7.30 pm

Venue: Talla Dearg, Isleornsay

Audience Numbers: 36

Type: Talks and Literature

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Title: Cal Flyn 'Thicker than Water'

Description: History, Secrets and Guilt - a memoir by Cal Flyn. In brief while holidaying at her parents’ home in Skye a few years ago, Cal discovered that her ancestor Angus McMillan, born and raised on Skye, and later a great pioneer of early Australia, had in truth led a series of violent massacres of the indigenous population over there. She discovered that he was known by another name: The Butcher of Gippsland. Driven to piece together his and her family’s story, Cal retraced McMillan’s journey, to look for answers and seek out the representatives of the Aboriginal group he had terrorised. Here story resonates with people of, and visitors to, Skye as some of them will be related to the Highlanders who left for Australia.

Date: 04/08/16

Start Time: 7.30 pm

Venue: Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, Seòmar Chruinneachaidh

Audience Numbers: 30

Type: Talks and Literature

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Title: Celebration of Music and Poetry for Uni W Scotland

Date: 15/06/11

Venue: Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, An Talla Mhòr

Audience Numbers: 93

Type: Talks and Literature

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Title: Crofting and the Environment

Description: Andrew Currie, naturalist and writer, Talks and Literature about the Outer Isles in particular.

Date: 24/04/96

Start Time: 20:00:00

Venue: Talla Dearg, Isleornsay

Type: Talks and Literature

Comment Link

Title: Cèilidh na Cagailte: Poetry and Song

Date: 18/07/95

Start Time: 20:00:00

Venue: Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, Seòmar Chruinneachaidh

Audience Numbers: 28

Type: Talks and Literature

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Title: Dylan Thomas evening - Owain Huws

Description: Dylan Thomas was born in 2014. To celebrate his centenary, Welsh poet and actor Owain Huws bring to life many of Dyland's best known works. Entry by donation

Date: 09/08/14

Start Time: 20:00:00

Venue: Tarskavaig Hall

Type: Talks and Literature

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Title: Elizabeth Reeder, Afternoon tea with the Author

Description: Glasgow-based writer Elizabeth Reeder is a lecturer in Creative Writing at University of Glasgow. Elizabeth K Reeder writes novels, essays, and stories. She also writes for the radio. She is the author of two critically acclaimed novels, Ramshackle and Fremont. Her stories and experimental essays are widely published and broadcast and often explore questions of cartography, family and memory. Recently she has been writing about fire, archives and whisky. Elizabeth will talk about the joys and challenges of writing and reading and will take us from frosty Chicago, to the deserts of the southwest and the remotest reaches of Scotland. Tickets £10 includes tea and scone

Date: 01/04/18

Start Time: 15:00:00

Venue: Bogmrytle Skye Café, Struan

Audience Numbers: 24

Type: Talks and Literature

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Title: Facal Oirbh

Description: BBC Radio nan Gaidheal would like to meet with Gaelic-speakers about words which are used locally. An informal information gathering session, with no recording on the night.

Date: 15/07/96

Start Time: 20:00:00

Venue: Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, Seòmar Chruinneachaidh

Audience Numbers: 15

Type: Talks and Literature

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Title: Flora MacDonald seminar

Date: 15/07/93

Start Time: 20:00:00

Venue: Ardvasar Hall

Type: Talks and Literature

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Title: Forth Stanza Poets - Practical poetry

Description: Ed McCabe, Martin Macintyre, Stewart Mercer, Jim Murty, Dougie Watt, Màiri Sine Campbell

Date: 14/03/03

Start Time: 20:00:00

Venue: Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, TDC main hall

Type: Talks and Literature

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Title: Gaelic Story-telling Cèilidh

Date: 12/07/01

Start Time: 7.30 pm

Venue: Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, TDC main hall

Type: Talks and Literature

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Title: Gaelic Storytelling - Martin MacIntyre

Date: 15/07/03

Start Time: 16:00:00

Venue: Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, An Talla Mhòr

Type: Talks and Literature

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Title: Hallaig - the poetry of Sorley MacLean

Date: 16/06/11

Venue: Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, An Talla Mhòr

Audience Numbers: 100

Type: Talks and Literature

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Title: Highland Festival - Gaelic Poetry - Aonghas MacNeacail, Meg Bateman

Description: An evening of Gaelic poetry from two leading poets with short readings from local writers. Aonghas MacNeacail is a poet, broadcaster, scriptwriter and journalist. Meg Bateman's most recent collection of poems is Gu Reiteachadh / Reconciliation.

Date: 26/05/97

Start Time: 7.30 pm

Venue: Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, Seòmar Chruinneachaidh

Audience Numbers: 20

Type: Talks and Literature

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Title: Highland Seashore Festival 'Story Cèilidh by the Sea' Alex Patience, Donald McNeill

Description: Coastal, creepy, comedy . . . And the ever present sea. A realxed evening of Scottish traditional stories of the sea, second sight, wtiches, magic, love, loss and humour - with original live music. Enjoyable by all ages. Bring your own stories to share afer the show. Part of the Highland Seashore Festival.

Date: 02/07/14

Start Time: 20:00:00

Venue: Tarskavaig Hall

Audience Numbers: 36

Type: Talks and Literature

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Title: Historical Walk

Date: 14/07/02

Start Time: 13:00:00

Venue: Ashaig Cemetery

Type: Talks and Literature

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Title: James Campbell Storyteller

Description: An evening for young and old with James Campbell, telling stories from the Highlands. James has been recently visiting local primary schools with great success.

Date: 06/08/98

Start Time: 19:00:00

Venue: Broadford Hall

Audience Numbers: 12

Type: Talks and Literature

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Title: James Campbell Tells Unbelievable Stories

Description: Two hours of silly stories, pointless poems and tall tales from tall-tale-teller James Campbell. He makes regular appearances on local and national radio, capturing the minds of thousands of children with his delightful world of walking, talking eggs, nine-headed monsters and frogs who own shops. Suitable for 4 to 10 year olds and their parents.

Date: 13/07/99

Start Time: 3.30 pm

Venue: Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, TDC main hall

Audience Numbers: 25

Type: Talks and Literature

Comment Link

Title: James Campbell Tells Unbelievable Stories

Description: Two hours of silly stories, pointless poems and tall tales from tall-tale-teller James Campbell. He makes regular appearances on local and national radio, capturing the minds of thousands of children with his delightful world of walking, talking eggs, nine-headed monsters and frogs who own shops. Suitable for 4 to 10 year olds and their parents.

Date: 13/07/99

Start Time: 3.30 pm

Venue: Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, TDC main hall

Audience Numbers: 25

Type: Talks and Literature

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Title: John Purser - Celtic Music

Description: John Purser, Scottish musicologist and author Talks and Literature about aspects of Scottish Music.

Date: 10/07/97

Start Time: 20:00:00

Venue: Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, Seòmar Chruinneachaidh

Audience Numbers: 59

Type: Talks and Literature

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Title: John Purser The History of Scotland's Music

Date: 17/09/94

Venue: Armadale, The Stables Restaurant

Audience Numbers: 27

Type: Talks and Literature

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Title: Les Murray - Antipodean Poet

Description: Leading Australian Poet, with Meg Batyeman and Angus Peter Campbell.

Date: 17/06/02

Start Time: 7.30 pm

Venue: Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, An Talla Mhòr

Audience Numbers: 72

Type: Talks and Literature

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Title: Love Poetry

Description: Some informal poetry readings with Audrey Yeardley, Joan Macdonald and Gwyneth Steedman from Sleat. Come along to listen or bring your own favourites.

Date: 13/02/01

Start Time: 14:00:00

Venue: Broadford Library

Type: Talks and Literature

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Title: Love Poetry

Description: A cup of coffee and some informal poetry readings with Audrey Yeardley, Joan Macdonald and Gwyneth Steedman from Sleat. Come along to listen or bring your own favourites.

Date: 14/02/01

Start Time: 10:30:00

Venue: Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, TDC main hall

Type: Talks and Literature

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Title: Meet the Gardener - Louise Pinkney

Date: 14/07/08

Start Time: 14:00:00

Venue: Armadale Castle gardens

Audience Numbers: 0

Type: Talks and Literature

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Title: Meet the Gardener - Louise Pinkney

Date: 21/07/08

Start Time: 14:00:00

Venue: Armadale Castle gardens

Audience Numbers: 0

Type: Talks and Literature

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Title: Michael Longley, Irish poet

Description: Michael Longley lives in County Mayo, but frequently visits Lochalsh where his daughter now lives. He will be reading from 'Angel Hill', his exuberant new collection, published by Jonathan Cape in June. Lakes and mountains, wild animals and flowers, moody seas and skies have for decades lit up his poetry. Angel Hill will undoubtedly delight this great poet’s many admirers. This is a 'Pay What You Like' event

Date: 13/08/17

Start Time: 7.30 pm

Venue: An Crùbh, Duisdale

Audience Numbers: 41

Type: Talks and Literature

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Title: Music in the Celtic Church

Description: Saint Columba (7 December 521 - 9 June 597), is known as Columba of Iona, or Colm Cille, 'The Dove of the Church’. He was an outstanding figure among the Gaelic missionary monks who travelled east across the Irish Sea to introduce Christianity to the Kingdom of the Picts during the Early Medieval Period. It is said that in his travels Columba set foot in Sleat on the shore below Kilmore Church. Our Gaelic service today, led by Aonghas Pàdraig Caimbeul, will use texts, mediaeval chants and psalms relating to St Columba. Members of Strath Gaelic Choir are joined by Barnaby Brown on the ancient and rarely heard Triple pipes.

Date: 13/07/08

Start Time: 14:00:00

Venue: Kilmore Church

Audience Numbers: 0

Type: Talks and Literature

Comment Link

Title: Music in the Celtic Church

Description: Saint Columba (7 December 521 - 9 June 597), is known as Columba of Iona, or Colm Cille, 'The Dove of the Church’. He was an outstanding figure among the Gaelic missionary monks who travelled east across the Irish Sea to introduce Christianity to the Kingdom of the Picts during the Early Medieval Period. It is said that in his travels Columba set foot in Sleat on the shore below Kilmore Church. Our Gaelic service today, led by Aonghas Pàdraig Caimbeul, will use texts, mediaeval chants and psalms relating to St Columba. Members of Strath Gaelic Choir are joined by Barnaby Brown on the ancient and rarely heard Triple pipes.

Date: 13/07/08

Start Time: 14:00:00

Venue: Kilmore Church

Audience Numbers: 0

Type: Talks and Literature

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Title: Myles Campbell Book Launch

Date: 23/10/14

Start Time: 7.30 pm

Venue: Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, Seòmar Chruinneachaidh

Type: Talks and Literature

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Title: Neu!Reekie! 'This is Scotland'

Description: Join us for a night of poetry, music, film and whisky from some of Scotland’s finest artists. A literary salon from this year’s Edinburgh Festival, under the directorship of poets/writers Michael Pederson and Kevin Williamson. With Bill Ryder-Jones, a founding member of The Coral and a Mercury Music Prize nominee; Carla Easton of TeenCanteen, a descendant of Mary Ross of Skye, currently investigating old songs from the Island; Lomond Campbell, BAFTA winning singer/songwriter and artist, with Fence Records and Chemikal Underground; Alan Bissett, international prize-winning author, playwright and performer. With some tasting of some rare single malt whiskies provided by Dewars, Aberfeldy. Suitable for 12+

Date: 19/07/15

Start Time: 20:00:00

Venue: Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, TDC main hall

Audience Numbers: 44

Type: Talks and Literature

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Title: Poetry and Piping

Date: 20/07/04

Start Time: 7.30 pm

Venue: Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, TDC main hall

Type: Talks and Literature

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Title: Poetry night

Date: 16/07/03

Start Time: 20:00:00

Venue: Broadford Gallery

Type: Talks and Literature

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Title: Pompeii & Herculaneum

Description: In association with the University of Aberdeen, Donald Omand will give this illustrated talk.

Date: 21/02/97

Start Time: 20:00:00

Venue: Armadale, The Stables Restaurant

Type: Talks and Literature

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Title: Ragadawn (Isle of Skye, 57.5º N)

Description: ATLAS Arts has been working with Caroline Bergvall since 2016 on Ragadawn, a sunrise vocal performance to be performed outdoors from the last hours of night until the very early morning. A multisensory composition for two voices (spoken and sung), multiple languages and electronic frequencies to accompany and celebrate the rising of day. The work draws on ancient and contemporary musical and literary sunrise traditions, such as troubadour love poetry, while at the same time addressing the linguistic territories of the UK and European Union, specifically languages that are endangered or at risk, and those that are emerging. It was first performed in 2016 as sold-out performances at the Festival de la Batie (Geneva) and Estuary Festival (Southend) and garnered great reviews. The performance begins at 5.14am and is 55 minutes long. Following the performance, there will be a communal breakfast for the audience to enjoy using locally sourced ingredients. A Free event but reservation is essential on shona@atlasarts.org.uk Book on https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/ragadawn-isle-of-skye-575o-n-caroline-bergvall-tickets-46498115114

Date: 25/08/18

Start Time: 5.14am

Venue: Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, - Fàs terrace

Audience Numbers: 100

Type: Talks and Literature

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Title: Skye Stories Evening

Description: Story-telling and slide workshop presentations in 'Cu Chulainn' by Sleat Primary School, 'The Stalker' by women of Wester Ross, and the results of the day's workshops.

Date: 27/04/96

Start Time: 7.30 pm

Venue: Bunsgoil Shlèite/Sleat Primary School

Type: Talks and Literature

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Title: Skye and the Jacobite Rising

Description: A talk by Dr Alasdair MacLean on the ambivialent attitudes of Skye people to the Jacobite Rising of 1745-46, and appropriate topic in the year of the 250th aniiversay of Culloden.

Date: 17/09/96

Start Time: 20:00:00

Venue: Talla Dhuisdeil, Isleornsay

Type: Talks and Literature

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Title: Storytelling Festival

Description: An evening of storytelling with George Macpherson from Skye, Paraig MacNeill from Dunblane and Clare Mulholland from Northern Ireland, accordionist Murdo MacLeod plus staff & student artistes from Sabhal Mor. Cèilidh/dance to follow.

Date: 23/05/96

Start Time: 20:00:00

Venue: Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, An Talla Mhòr

Type: Talks and Literature

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Title: Talk - Liz Niven, Author

Description: Liz Niven is an award-winning writer and poet, who writes in English and Scots: She has been awarded two Scottish Arts Council Writers' Bursaries and a Year of the Artist award for engaging with land users in south west Scotland. In 2006, Liz Niven was an award winner for the third time in the Glasgow University McCash Scots Poetry prize. She has twice received a TES/Saltire award for co-authoring and editing books for education; The Kist/A Chiste and Turnstones. Her stories and poems have been widely published in newspapers, anthologies and magazines and broadcast on radio BBC Scotland, Four, Ulster & World Service and Chinese Radio International.

Date: 11/02/09

Start Time: 20:00:00

Venue: Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, TDC main hall

Audience Numbers: 0

Type: Talks and Literature

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Title: The Archaeology of Skye

Date: 22/07/93

Start Time: 17:00:00

Venue: Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, An Talla Mhòr

Type: Talks and Literature

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Title: The Forth Stanze poetry

Date: 14/02/03

Venue: Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, TDC main hall

Audience Numbers: 0

Type: Talks and Literature

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Title: The Reading Room

Description: SEALL is delighted to work with The Skye Reading Room to bring their first event to Sleat. Local and visiting poets and writers are invited to one the regular open mic sessions, this time in the cafeteria of the new Community Hub, An Crùbh, Duisdale just south of Isleornsay. The evening, hosted by Francis Mitchell, will be friendly, welcoming and highly entertaining. We offer 5-minute slots. A free evening and refreshments are available. Open Mic Sessions are run by The Skye Reading Room to promote local and visiting authors, poets and writers, though a regular programme of meetings throughout the year across Skye. Whatever your experience as a writer you’ll enjoy the relaxed atmosphere of the evenings. Come along, share your work, and bring your friends.

Date: 16/03/18

Start Time: 19:00:00

Venue: An Crùbh, Duisdale

Audience Numbers: 12

Type: Talks and Literature

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Title: Theatre Discussion

Description: Come and join a free open discussion led by Sofiah MacLeod of the Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign in Edinburgh, to explore personal reactions to the play, its political context, and what can be done to help bring a solution. An event arranged through Duncan MacInnes on 01471 844207 or dm@cali.co.uk. A free event and all welcome.

Date: 21/02/13

Start Time: 7.30 pm

Venue: Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, Seòmar Chruinneachaidh

Audience Numbers: 6

Type: Talks and Literature

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